Pennsylvania Hunt Cup -11/01/09 (161 images)
Diana Gillam on Dr Ramsey ...tif
Diana Gillam pats Dr Ramse...tif
Diana Gillam pats Dr Ramse...tif
Diana Gillam.jpg
Dr Ramsey (7) - Meet At El...tif
Dr Ramsey - Diana Gillam r...JPG
Dr Ramsey - winner's circl...jpg
Dr Ramsey 2nd pass 1.tif
Dr Ramsey and Diana Gillam...tif
Dr Ramsey and Diana Gillam.jpg
Dr Ramsey backside jump 1.tif
Dr Ramsey backside jump 2.tif
Dr Ramsey backside jump 3.tif
Dr Ramsey last jump 1.tif
Dr Ramsey last jump 2.tif
Dr Ramsey leads Meet At El...tif
Dr Ramsey leads over dista...tif
Dr Ramsey to wire 5.tif
Dr Ramsey to wire 6.tif
Dr Ramsey to wire 7.tif
Dr Ramsey trophy presentat...jpg
Dr Ramsey warms up - pan s...JPG
Gather No Moss backside ju...jpg
Profesor Maxwell (1) - The...tif
professor maxwell early.jpg
professor maxwell paddock ...jpg
professr maxwell warms up.JPG
the other me warms up 2.jpg
the other me-meet at eleve...jpg
the other me-meet at eleve...jpg
up the backside.jpg
Big Bad Joe early.jpg
Delta Park (Fritz Boniface...tif
Delta Park (l) - Rainbows ...tif
Delta Park (l) - Rainbows ...jpg
Delta Park (l) - Rainbows ...jpg
Delta Park (left) leads ov...tif
Delta Park (left) leads ov...tif
Delta Park (left) stays up...tif
Delta Park (left) to wire ...tif
Delta Park (third from lef...jpg
Delta Park (white cap) - H...jpg
Delta Park - Fritz Bonifac...jpg
Delta Park - Fritz Bonifac...jpg
Delta Park - Fritz Bonifac...jpg
Delta Park - trophy presen...jpg
Delta Park - winner's circ...jpg
Delta Park leads over last...tif
Fritz Boniface.jpg
Prospectors Strike 2nd pas...jpg
Prospectors Strike early.jpg
delta park paddock.JPG
east corker paddock.JPG
field heads downhill.tif
hey doctor paddock.JPG
incaseyouraminer - ben swo...jpg
rainbows for luck paddock.JPG
skiperoo paddock.JPG
swimming river paddock.JPG
take harry - jacob roberts...JPG
westbound round paddock.JPG
Big Bad Joe on the backsid...tif
Incaseyouraminer backside ...tif
incaseyouraminer leads fie...jpg
Doug Fout 2.jpg
Doug Fout.jpg
Erin Go Bragh (r) - Patrio...tif
Erin Go Bragh (r) - Patrio...tif
Erin Go Bragh (r) - Patrio...tif
Erin Go Bragh - .JPG
Erin Go Bragh - James Pipe...JPG
Erin Go Bragh - James Pipe...JPG
Erin Go Bragh - fisheye.tif
Erin Go Bragh - vertical c...tif
Erin Go Bragh - winner's c...JPG
Erin Go Bragh 2nd pass 1.tif
Erin Go Bragh early 3.tif
Erin Go Bragh early jump 2.tif
Erin Go Bragh paddock 2.JPG
Erin Go Bragh races to wir...tif
Erin Go Bragh races to wir...tif
Erin Go Bragh races to wir...tif
Erin Go Bragh races to wir...tif
Erin Go Bragh saddle cloth.JPG
Erin Go Bragh second pass.jpg
Erin Go Bragh takes distan...tif
Erin Go Bragh-Paddy Young ...tif
Erin Go Bragh:Paddy Young ...JPG
Erin Go Bragh - Paddy Youn...JPG
Irish Prince 1.jpg
Irish Prince 2.jpg
Irish Prince loose on lead...jpg
Irish Prince saddle cloth.JPG
Music To My Ears - fisheye.tif
Music To My Ears paddock 2.JPG
Pa Hunt Cup trophy present...JPG
Pa Hunt Cup trophy present...JPG
Patriot's Path - fisheye.tif
Patriot's Path - riderless...tif
Patriot's Path 1.jpg
Patriot's Path and Desmond...JPG
Patriot's Path and Desmond...JPG
Patriot's Path goes back t...JPG
Patriot's Path leaves site...JPG
Patriot's Path paddock 1.JPG
Patriot's Path paddock 2.JPG
Pennsylvania Hunt Cup trop...tif
Pennsylvania Hunt Cup trop...tif
Pennsylvania hunt Cup trop...tif
Shady Valley paddock.JPG
Twill Do paddock.JPG
Won Wild Bird paddock.JPG
fans cheer Patriot's Path ...JPG
field takes distant jump i...tif
field takes distant jump i...tif
After the break in athenia...JPG
Brittany Trimble - Bruce M...JPG
Bruce Miller.JPG
Evarts-Paddy Young thru fi...jpg
Henry's Hero paddock throu...jpg
Jake Chalfin - Love Colony...JPG
Jake Chalfin leads Love Co...JPG
Love Colony (left) has big...JPG
Love Colony - Jake Chalfin...JPG
Love Colony - Jake Chalfin...JPG
Love colony:Jake Chalfin m...JPG
Not For Love's Boy paddock.jpg
Pierrot Lunaire (5) early ...JPG
Pierrot Lunaire (inside) s...JPG
Pierrot Lunaire (outside) ...JPG
Pierrot Lunaire (outside) ...JPG
Pierrot Lunaire - Brittany...JPG
Young rider Brittany Trimb...JPG
Pierrot Lunaire - trophy p...JPG
Pierrot Lunaire - trophy p...JPG
Pierrot Lunaire - winner's...JPG
Pierrot Lunaire paddock 2.JPG
Pierrot Lunaire sneaks pas...JPG
field races downhill in at...JPG
panorama of field early in...JPG
panoramic of field early i...JPG
Bill Gallo.jpg
Brittany Trimble.tif
Bruce Miller - Kathy McKen...JPG
Irish Prince leads field a...jpg
Irish Prince on lead on ba...jpg
Jake Chalfin looks back co...jpg
John McGourty reads race m...JPG
Molly Forlano.jpg
Nolan Clancy - Ann Stewart...jpg
Ricky Henriks-Jake Chalfin.jpg
Russell Haynes after fall ...jpg
fan stores program in boot.jpg
jockey scrum during offici...jpg
jockey scrum during offici...jpg
jockeys through fisheye 1.jpg
jockeys through fisheye le...jpg
outriders - fisheye view 1.tif
outriders - fisheye view 2.tif
Patriot's Path - riderless...tif