Morning (43 images)
Bellavais (stakes winner) ...tif
Linda Rice corrals her loo...tif
McCraken 4.tif
McCraken 1.tif
McCraken 2.tif
McCraken 3.tif
Bird Song at rest.tif
unidentified horse at Jaco...tif
loose horse gingerly appro...tif
rescuer of loose horse.tif
Overture (Indiana Oaks win...tif
Overture (Indiana Oaks win...tif
Charlie Baker.tif
kicking up a dust storm at...tif
kicking up a dust storm at...tif
Lockdown 1.tif
Lockdown 2.tif
Lockdown 3.tif
Lockdown 4.tif
Girvin 1.tif
Girvin 2.tif
Girvin 4.tif
Girvin 3.tif
Holy Helena 1.tif
Holy Helena 2.tif
Holy Helena - Eddie Davis ...tif
Time and Motion 3.tif
Time and Motion 1.tif
Time and Motion 2.tif
Good Samaritan 3.tif
Good Samaritan 2.tif
Good Samaritan (Jim Dandy ...tif
Good Samaritan tight.tif
Elate 5.tif
Gun Runner gets a bath 2.tif
gun runner gets a bath 1.tif
Elate 7.tif
Elate 6.tif
Elate 1.tif
Elate 9.tif
Elate 10.tif