Miscellaneous (19 images)
James Stierhoff 2.tif
Bruce Fenwick 1.tif
Bruce Fenwick 2.tif
Barry Watson - Burley Vann...tif
Bruce Fenwick 3.tif
Gregg Paxson - Burley Vann...tif
Gregg Morris leads officia...tif
Imogen Weaver and Olney Qu...tif
Jimmy Paxson at Shawan 202...tif
Stephen Mulqueens leads da...tif
Martin Chamberlain - James...tif
Sun comes out at Shawan.tif
Rear view of outriders at ...tif
Suzanne Stettinius calls p...tif
Thumber and Manny Aguilera...tif
Two Past Eight has big lea...tif
George Mahoney - Bruce Fen...tif
George Mahoney - Bruce Fen...tif
Bruce Fenwick and patrol j...tif