Five to contest $50,000 Carolina Cup (41 images)
Jonathan Sheppard - The Pr...tif
Spy in the Sky returns 2.JPG
Stirling Young IDs Tax Rul...tif
Sunshine Numbers - Arch Ki...jpg
Sunshine Numbers - Bernie ...jpg
Sunshine Numbers head shot.JPG
Sunshine Numbers last jump...JPG
Sunshine Numbers remote.tif
Swagger Stick - Jack Fishe...JPG
Swagger Stick - Meet At El...jpg
Swagger Stick before Gold ...jpg
Swagger Stick covers Daluc...tif
Swagger Stick paddock 1.jpg
Swagger Stick to post in C...jpg
Tax Ruling - Darren Nagle ...tif
Tax Ruling - Darren Ngle r...tif
Tax Ruling 1.tif
Tax Ruling blasts through ...jpg
Tax Ruling gets unsaddled.tif
Tax Ruling hosed 2.tif
Tax Ruling takes last jump...tif
The Price of Love stretche...jpg
desmond fogarty puts blink...JPG
fisher saddles swagger sti...JPG
sunshine numbers 2nd pass1.tif
sunshine numbers-arch king...JPG
swagger stick early action.tif
swagger stick-baby league ...tif
tax ruling leads first jum...tif
the price of love (6)-loga...tif
the price of love head sho...JPG
the price of love padd 1.JPG
the price of love sits 7th...tif
the price of love-dictina'...tif
the price of love-dictina'...tif
Spy in the Sky (5) - Major...JPG
Spy in the Sky (r) - Major...JPG
Spy in the Sky - Chess Boa...jpg
spy in the sky - arcadius ...JPG
spy in the sky last jump 2.tif
spy in the sky remote1.tif