Fair Hill Races 5/28/11 (239 images)
1st race winners circle - ...jpg
1st race winners circle - ...jpg
Bermuda warms up before 1s...jpg
Catoosa - David Bentley in...jpg
Early action in 1st - Popl...tif
Embezzle warms up before 1...jpg
Keri Brion - Mary Guessfor...jpg
Neil Morris - trainer Popl...jpg
Pebble To A Pearl - Travis...jpg
Poplar Grove (2nd from lef...tif
Poplar Grove - Chris Read ...jpg
Poplar Grove heads back to...jpg
Poplar Grove leads Pebble ...jpg
Poplar Grove leads to wire...tif
Poplar Grove wins 1st (fla...tif
Poplar Grove wins 1st (fro...tif
Poplar Grove wins 1st (fro...jpg
Quantock warms up before 1...jpg
Real Rowdy - Joe Delozier ...jpg
Real Rowdy finishes far ba...jpg
Willy Dowling weighs in be...jpg
jockeys huddle before 1st.jpg
1st race trophy presentati...jpg
2nd race trophy presentati...jpg
2nd race winners circle (S...jpg
Dunlin - Paul Madden warm ...jpg
Euro Power - Keri Brion cr...jpg
Euro Power - Keri Brion wa...jpg
Katharine My Great warms u...jpg
Oxford Blues - Matt McCarr...jpg
Powder Rock - Mark Watts w...jpg
Saco River - Macauley Kinn...jpg
Sharps Island (blue cap) d...jpg
Sharps Island - Kristin Fi...jpg
Sharps Island - Kristin Fi...jpg
Sharps Island - Kristin Fi...jpg
Sharps Island - Kristin Fi...jpg
Sharps Island - Kristin Fi...tif
Sharps Island wins 2nd (fr...tif
Sharps island - Kristin Fi...tif
Sharps island back to barn...jpg
Tom Voss (Sharps Island).jpg
Tom Voss watches Sharp Isl...tif
Zelkova - Jody Petty warm ...jpg
Bundestag - Paddy Young wa...jpg
Brother Sy - Macauley Kinn...jpg
Dubai Sunday before 3rd.jpg
Eagle Beagle - Paddy Young...jpg
Jody Petty -Staying On (3r...jpg
Neil Morris - Chris Read i...jpg
One Giant Step before 3rd.jpg
Popplestone - Willy Dowlin...jpg
Rhythm And Road - Cyril Mu...jpg
Rhythm And Roar to post fo...jpg
Royal Fling Shot - Brian C...jpg
Staying On (center - blue ...tif
Staying On (center-blue ca...tif
Staying On leads field aro...jpg
Staying On leads rounding ...tif
Tribal Shelter - Willie Mc...jpg
3rd race trophy presentati...jpg
3rd race winners circle - ...jpg
Jody Petty - Staying On.jpg
Michael Moran - Staying On.jpg
One Giant Step in paddock ...jpg
Staying On draws off in 3r...jpg
Staying On draws off in 3r...jpg
Staying On draws off in 3r...jpg
Staying On gets hosed afte...tif
Staying On returns with Jo...jpg
Tribal Shelter - Teddy Mul...jpg
Gene Weymouth's Wild For G...jpg
4th race field pass grands...jpg
4th race trophy presentati...jpg
4th race trophy presentati...jpg
4th race winners circle -...jpg
Call Me Sonny - Jacob Robe...jpg
Call Me Sonny early in 4th.tif
Chilhowee Lad - Ross Gerag...jpg
Embarrassed (left) outduel...tif
Embarrassed (orange-brown)...tif
Embarrassed (right) - Serg...tif
Embarrassed - Carl Rafter ...jpg
Embarrassed - Carl Rafter ...tif
Embarrassed 2nd pass 4th (...tif
Embarrassed leads Sergeant...tif
Embarrassed leads Sergeant...tif
Embarrassed leads Sergeant...jpg
Embarrassed leads to wire ...jpg
Gill Johnston - Kathy McKe...jpg
Jacob's Little Bro leads 4...jpg
Jacob's Little Bro leads e...tif
Maya Charli (left) - Serge...tif
Maya Charli (left) leads E...tif
Maya Charli leads 2nd pass...tif
Maya Charli leads Embarras...jpg
Monstaleur (2) early in 4t...tif
Sergeant Karakorum in padd...jpg
White Holiday - Jeff Murph...jpg
5th race trophy presentati...jpg
5th race trophy presentati...jpg
5th race winners circle - ...jpg
5th race winners circle - ...jpg
Autumn Riches (8) - Mr. Ho...tif
Autumn Riches (8) - Union ...jpg
Autumn Riches - Paddy Youn...jpg
Chill Wind (1A) - Circumve...jpg
Chill Wind - Roddy Mackenz...jpg
Circumventor - Ross Geragh...jpg
Durer - Kevin Tobin (and M...jpg
Grand Pride (3) - Circumve...jpg
Grand Pride - Xavier Aizpu...jpg
Horses to the start of rac...tif
Isabel Harp - Bernie Dalto...jpg
Isabel Harp early in 5th.jpg
Jack Fisher checks out Mr ...jpg
Jake's Mandate - Willie Mc...jpg
Mr Hot Stuff (left) leads ...tif
Mr Hot Stuff - Union Army ...tif
Mr Hot Stuff - Union Army ...tif
Mr Hot Stuff - Willie Dowl...jpg
Mr Hot Stuff - Willie Dowl...tif
Mr Hot Stuff - Willie Dowl...jpg
Mr Hot Stuff in paddock be...jpg
Mr Hot Stuff last jump 5th...tif
Mr Hot Stuff leads Union A...jpg
Mr Hot Stuff tight at wire...tif
Mr Hot Stuff tight at wire...tif
Robbie Walsh - Union Army ...jpg
Tom Foley (left) - Robbie ...jpg
Union Army - Mr Hot Stuff ...jpg
Union Army - Robbie Walsh ...jpg
Union Army in paddock befo...jpg
crowd watches start of 5th...jpg
Green Velvet - Ross Geragh...tif
Green Velvet (left) - Miss...tif
Green Velvet - Ross Geragh...tif
Ross Geraghty at last in V...tif
Green Velvet has huge lead...tif
Green Velvet leads to last...tif
Green Velvet back to barn ...tif
Henry - Jennifer Pitts -ow...jpg
Jazz Napravnik - Green Ve...tif
Jazz Napravnik greets Gree...tif
Ross Geraghty - Jazz Napra...tif
Valentine trophy presentat...jpg
Valentine trophy presentat...jpg
Green Velvet in Valentine ...jpg
Green Velvet leads Miss Cr...tif
Jazz Napravnik (Green Velv...jpg
Kate - Bernie Dalton with ...jpg
Miss Crown (2) - Opera Her...tif
Green Velvet early jump Va...tif
Green Velvet early jump Va...tif
Green Velvet leads Miss Cr...tif
Deputy Empress - Farah T S...tif
Flying Friskie (7) and fie...jpg
Flying Friskie 2nd pass Va...tif
Green Velvet 2nd pass Vale...tif
Green Velvet 2nd pass Vale...tif
Green Velvet has big lead ...jpg
Deputy Empress - Lilli Kur...tif
Green Velvet - Miss Crown ...tif
Green Velvet - Miss Crown ...tif
Green Velvet - Miss Crown ...tif
Deputy Empress - Jacob Rob...jpg
Deputy Empress - JacobRobe...tif
Deputy Empress in paddock ...jpg
Deputy Empress in paddock ...jpg
Green Velvet has everyone ...tif
Green Velvet in paddock be...jpg
Green Velvet to wire in Va...tif
Lonesome Nun in paddock be...jpg
Miss Crown - Kate Dalton b...jpg
Ptarmigan trails Valentine...jpg
Rear view of Valentine fie...tif
7th race trophy presentati...jpg
7th race winners circle - ...jpg
7th race winners circle - ...jpg
Be Great warms up for 7th.jpg
Class Classic - Richard Bo...jpg
Class Classic (left) Be Gr...tif
Bouchers and Clancys watch...jpg
Class Classic - Richard Bo...tif
Class Classic - Richard Bo...jpg
Class Classic - Richard Bo...tif
Class Classic - Richard Bo...tif
Class Classic draws off fr...tif
Class Classic leads over l...tif
Class Classic leads over l...tif
Class Classic leads over l...tif
Class Classic leads over l...tif
Class Classic nears wire i...tif
Class Mark leads General R...tif
Class Mark leads General R...tif
Class Mark leads early in ...tif
Class Mark warms up for 7t...jpg
Dynaskill 2nd pass.tif
Dynaskill warms up for 7th.jpg
Final Straw (left) - So Am...tif
Final Straw warms up for 7...jpg
Great Halo heads to paddoc...jpg
Great Halo trails field 2n...jpg
Richard Boucher gets drink...tif
Arch Hero warms up before ...jpg
Big Bad Joe - Jacob Robert...jpg
Big Bad Joe - Moonsox take...jpg
Big Bad Joe leads 8th race...tif
Chivite on the loose in 8t...jpg
Expel - Willie McCarthy wa...jpg
Hey Doctor - Garet Winants...jpg
Hey Doctor - Garret Winant...jpg
Manhattan Boy trails field...jpg
Moonsox - Fritz Boniface w...tif
Sgt Bart (12) - Hey Doctor...jpg
Sgt. Bart - Roddy Mackenzi...tif
Triple Dip warms up before...jpg
View of field in 8th race ...tif
Voice of Power - Brian Kor...jpg
Voice of Power - Brian Kor...jpg
Wolfe Tone - Mark Beecher ...jpg
8th race winners circle - ...jpg
Diane Naylor - Billy Meist...jpg
Wolfe Tone - MarkIrv Naylo...tif
Wolfe Tone - Mark Beecher ...tif
Wolfe Tone - Mark Beecher ...tif
Wolfe Tone - Mark Beecher ...tif
Wolfe Tone past wire in 8t...jpg
Wolfe Tone to wire in 8th ...tif
Irv Naylor's Wolfe Tone up...jpg
8th race trophy presentati...jpg
Wolfe Tone - Mark Beecher ...jpg
Wolfe Tone gets hosed afte...tif
Wolfe Tone to wire in 8th ...tif
Child pets horse.tif
Dick Ogden.jpg
Richard Boucher (left) -Be...jpg
Trainer Jimmy Day - jockey...tif
outriders head on.jpg