Callaway Gardens - 11/07/09 (169 images)
Allison Fulmer.JPG
Artist's Stroke 3rd pass.JPG
Endless Mountain early mou...JPG
Is Allison Fulmer giving P...JPG
Plum Brush (1) - Algezir 2...JPG
Plum Brush (1) - Algezir 2...JPG
Plum Brush (outside) - Alg...JPG
Plum Brush - Bernie Dalton...JPG
Plum Brush - trophy presen...jpg
Plum Brush - winner's circ...JPG
Plum Brush at wire 4.JPG
Plum Brush races on lead e...JPG
Plum Brush takes early jum...JPG
Plum Brush to wire 4.JPG
Regality early jump 1.JPG
Regality leads uphill 2nd ...JPG
Regality-Swimming River 2n...JPG
Swimming River - Robbie Wa...JPG
Swimming River 3rd pass.JPG
Cuse (gray) stalks Mark Th...JPG
Cuse (vertical crop) 2nd p...JPG
Cuse - Adam Helders return...JPG
Cuse 2nd pass jump 1.JPG
Cuse 2nd pass jump 2.JPG
Cuse last jump 1.JPG
Cuse last jump 2.JPG
Cuse last jump 3.JPG
Cuse leads Major Malibu to...JPG
Cuse leads Major Malibu to...JPG
Cuse leads Major Malibu to...JPG
Cuse lopes on the lead 2nd...JPG
Cuse trophy presentation 1.JPG
Cuse trophy presentation 2.JPG
Cuse winner's circle 2.JPG
Cuse winner's circle.JPG
Major Malibu-Diana Gillam.JPG
Major Malibu-Fritz Bonifac...JPG
Mark The Shark (r)-Major M...JPG
Mark The Shark - Summersvi...JPG
Mark The Shark leads Cuse ...JPG
Mark The Shark paddock.JPG
Mark The Shark takes early...JPG
Mark the Shark leads Summe...JPG
Summersville 2nd pass.JPG
Three Carat - Melanie Will...JPG
Three Carat - Melanie Will...JPG
Three Carat - Melanie Will...JPG
adam helders.JPG
Bouchers head to trophy pr...JPG
Clash Crash paddock 2.JPG
Class Bopper (r) - Tricky ...tif
Class Bopper - Mignon Smit...JPG
Class Bopper - Richard Bou...JPG
Class Bopper last jump 1.tif
Class Bopper last jump 2.tif
Class Bopper leads 2nd pas...JPG
Class Bopper leads 2nd pas...JPG
Class Bopper leads 2nd pas...JPG
Class Bopper leads 2nd pas...JPG
Class Bopper leads at brea...JPG
Class Bopper leads over ea...JPG
Class Bopper leads over ea...JPG
Class Bopper leads uphil 2...JPG
Class Bopper lst jump 3.tif
Class Bopper paddock 1.JPG
Class Bopper trophy presen...JPG
Dictina's Boy paddock 3.JPG
Dictina's Boy takes early ...JPG
Dictina's Boy to post.JPG
Dictina's Boy warms up 2.JPG
Dugan - Robbie Walsh to po...JPG
Dugan to paddock.JPG
Lilith Boucher douses Clas...JPG
Lilith Boucher gives Richa...JPG
Lilith Boucher greets Clas...JPG
Lilith-Richard Bouch embra...JPG
Lilith-Richard Boucher emb...JPG
Lilith-Richard Boucher emb...JPG
Mignon Smith accepts troph...JPG
Seer (center)-Dugan (l)-Cl...JPG
Seer - Jack Fisher paddock.JPG
Seer takes early jump.JPG
Seer warms up.JPG
Trick Me paddock 2.JPG
Tricky Me - Dictina's Boy ...jpg
Tricky Me - Dictina's Boy ...jpg
Tricky Me and field chase ...JPG
Tricky Me warms up.JPG
Confined (bay) - Sweet Sha...tif
Confined (bay) outduels Sw...tif
Confined (bay)-Sweet Shani...tif
Confined (bay)-Sweet Shani...tif
Confined (l)-Sweet Shani-M...JPG
Confined - trophy presenta...JPG
Confined 2nd pass 1.JPG
Confined back to barn.JPG
Confined leads Sweet Shani...JPG
Confined leads Sweet Shani...JPG
Confined leads past stands...JPG
Confined leads uphill earl...JPG
Confined-Robbie Walsh retu...JPG
Confined-Robbie Walsh retu...JPG
Confined-Sherry Fenwick in...JPG
Miss Crown - Bernie Dalton...JPG
Miss Crown-Bernie Dalton r...JPG
Miss Crown-Moon Dolly earl...JPG
Sweet Shani after game sec...JPG
Sweet shani 2nd pass 1.JPG
Confined (right) - Sweet S...tif
Confined (right)-Sweet Sha...tif
Arch Hero (center) - Itali...JPG
Arch Hero - Ross Geraghty ...JPG
Arch Hero - trophy present...JPG
Arch Hero - winner;s circl...JPG
Arch Hero early jump.JPG
Arch Hero last jump 1.JPG
Arch Hero last jump 2.JPG
Arch Hero last jump 3.JPG
Arch Hero last jump 4.JPG
Italian Wedding chases Arc...JPG
Jack Twist 2nd pass.JPG
Jack Twist early jump.JPG
Regal Prospect early.JPG
Ross Geraghty jogs to winn...JPG
Best Alibi - Robbie Walsh ...JPG
Best Alibi - trophy presen...JPG
Best Alibi 2nd pass.JPG
Best Alibi head shot.JPG
Best Alibi last jump 2.JPG
Best Alibi last jump 3.JPG
Best Alibi leads through s...JPG
Best Alibi paddock.JPG
Best Alibi to wire 1.JPG
Best Alibi to wire 2.JPG
Best Alibi to wire 3.JPG
Best Alibi to wire 4.JPG
Best Alibi winner's circle.JPG
Complete Ray - Richard Bou...JPG
Gallery Again paddock.JPG
Hot Rize - Will Haynes las...JPG
Hot Rize 2nd pass 1.JPG
Hot Rize 2nd pass.JPG
Hot Rize paddock.JPG
Hot rize - Will Haynes las...JPG
Robbie Walsh.JPG
Snubbed paddock.JPG
Walsh poses with pageant q...JPG
child throws TD pass.JPG
Hat concession.jpg
Jack Fisher-Guy Torsilieri.JPG
Mason Lampton.JPG
Novice Stakes trophy.jpg
Robbie Walsh and the Hayne...jpg
another steeplechase seaso...jpg
bagpipers 2.JPG
carrots for horses.JPG
child drops TD pass.JPG
fisheye of bagpiper.jpg
fisheye view of course.jpg
panorama of course.jpg
pro-cush whip.jpg
the big top.JPG
trophy for the Supreme Nov...jpg
view of downhil section of...JPG
welcome to callaway garden...jpg
woman in hat contest.JPG