6th Gladstone - Schoodic (40 images)
Mr Lickety 6th race paddoc...jpg
Class Cherokee 6th race pa...jpg
Schoodic 6th race paddock ...jpg
Class Fuss 6th race paddoc...jpg
Run To Class 6th race padd...jpg
Class Fuss - Willie McCart...jpg
Mr Lickety - Richard Bouch...jpg
Lastofthebearfeet - Mark W...jpg
All the Way Jose - Darren ...jpg
Schoodic - Sean Flanagan w...jpg
Out Playing (red black) Cr...tif
Schoodic (left) - Class Ch...tif
Schoodic (left) - Class Ch...tif
Schoodic (far left) early ...tif
Schoodic (left) early in 6...tif
Schoodic early in 6th 5.tif
Schoodic (left) catches Cl...tif
Schoodic (left) catches Cl...tif
Schoodic (left) catches Cl...tif
Schoodic (left) rallies pa...tif
Schoodic (left) rallies pa...tif
Schoodic (left) rallies pa...tif
Schoodic - Sean Flanagan r...jpg
6th race winners circle - ...jpg
Schoodic head shot after 6...jpg
6th race trophy presentati...jpg
Class Cherokee 6th race pa...jpg
Street Credit 6th race pad...jpg
Richard Valentine - Robbie...jpg
Out Playing 6th race paddo...jpg
All The Way Jose 6th race ...jpg
Run To Class - Roddy Macke...jpg
Cry Vengeance - Paddy Youn...jpg
Schoodic - Sean Flanagan 6...jpg
Lastofthebearfeet - Mark W...jpg
All The Way Jose - Darren ...jpg
Schoodic (left) leads Clas...tif
Run To Class returns after...jpg
Schoodic - Sean Flanagan r...jpg
6th race trophy presentati...jpg