5th Joe Blanchard 120 Ratings Handicap - West Newton (43 images)
Kenyon Furlong leads field...tif
West Newton to paddock for...tif
Jimmy P to paddock for 5th.tif
Decisive Triumph - Rebecca...tif
West Newton 5th race paddo...tif
Uco Valley - Tom Young 5th...tif
Jimmy P 5th race paddock 3.tif
Decisive Triumph 5th race ...tif
David England 5th race pad...tif
Paul Willis - Parker Hendr...tif
Mark Watts - David England...tif
Jamie Bargary - Graham Wat...tif
West Newton - Harry Beswic...tif
Uco Valley - David Englan ...tif
Decisive Triumph - Jamie B...tif
Decisive Triumph leads ear...tif
Uco Valley - David England...tif
Decisive Triumph leads ear...tif
Uco Valley early in 5th.tif
Decisive Triumph leads ear...tif
Decisive Triumph leads ear...tif
Jimmy P takes jump early i...tif
Jimmy P early in 5th 2.tif
West Newton 2nd pass 5th 3...tif
West Newton leads 2nd pass...tif
West Newton takes jump 2nd...tif
West Newton 2nd pass 5th 2.tif
Decisive Triumph - Uco Val...tif
Decisive Triumph - Uco Val...tif
West Newton whacks wing - ...tif
West Newton (right) leads ...tif
West Newton whacks wing - ...tif
West Newton (right) outdue...tif
West Newton (right) rallie...tif
West Newton (right) rallie...tif
West Newton (1) rallies to...tif
West Newton (1) rallies to...tif
West Newton - Harry Beswic...tif
Ricky Hendriks greets Harr...tif
Ricky Hendriks greets Harr...tif
Ricky Hendriks.tif
5th race winners circle - ...tif
West Newton back to barn a...tif