4th John D. Schapiro timber allowance - Super Saturday (44 images)
Cheers to Us paddock 4th 1.tif
Cheers to Us paddock 4th 2.tif
Super Saturday 4th race pa...tif
It's Nothing - Parker Hend...tif
Goodoldtimes - Eddie Keati...tif
Cheers to Us - MacLane Hen...tif
Flash Jackson - Chris Grac...tif
It's Nothing - Parker Hend...tif
Goodoldtimes - Eddie Keati...tif
Cheers to Us (1) Super Sat...tif
Cheers to Us (1) Super Sat...tif
Cheers to Us (1) Super Sat...tif
Super Saturday (3) lands j...tif
It's Nothing (Parker Hendr...tif
It's Nothing - Parker Hend...tif
Super Saturday (left) lead...tif
Super Saturday (left) lead...tif
Super Saturday (left) lead...tif
Super Saturday (left) lead...tif
Super Saturday (left) lead...tif
Super Saturday - Skylar Mc...tif
Super Saturday - Sklar McK...tif
Super Saturday returns aft...tif
Flash Jackson - Rosie Alle...tif
It's Nothing - Kathy Neils...tif
Goodoldtimes 4th race padd...tif
Goodoldtimes paddock 4th 2.tif
Super Saturday (Skylar McK...tif
Cheers to Us takes jump ea...tif
Super Saturday (Skylar McK...tif
Super Saturday - Skylar Mc...tif
Super Saturday takes jump ...tif
Flash Jackson (left) Super...tif
Cheers To Us (MacLane Hend...tif
Super Saturday - Skylar Mc...tif
Cheers to Us takes jump in...tif
Cheers to Us leads Super S...tif
Cheers to Us leads Super S...tif
Super Saturday - Skylar Mc...tif
Kathy Neilson and Irv Nayl...tif
uper Saturday - Skylar McK...tif
Super Saturday unsaddled a...tif
Skylar McKenna returns aft...tif
4th race winners circle - ...tif