4th Allowance Hurdle - Step to the Bar (33 images)
Step to the Bar takes jump...tif
Step to the Bar takes jump...tif
Senor Seville (red cap) Br...tif
4th race winners circle - ...tif
Connagh's Quay - Barry Fol...tif
Queens Empire - Jamie Barg...tif
Step to the Bar - Bernie D...tif
Step to the Bar leads earl...tif
Step to the Bar leads earl...tif
Step to the Bar leads earl...tif
Step to the Bar leads fiel...tif
Step to the Bar leads to w...tif
Step to the Bar leads to w...tif
Step to the Bar leads to w...tif
Bernie Dalton pats Step to...tif
Bernie Dalton pats Step to...tif
Step to the Bar leads to w...tif
Bernie Dalton pats Step to...tif
Bernie Dalton pats Step to...tif
Step to the Bar wins 4th 1...tif
Bernie Dalton pats Step to...tif
Bernie Dalton pats Step to...tif
Gigi Lazenby - Dwight Hall...tif
Gigi Lazenby - Dwight Hall...tif
Gigi Lazenby - Dwight Hall...tif
Gigi Lazenby after Step to...tif
Step to the Bar - Bernie D...tif
Kate Dalton greets Step to...tif
Kate Dalton greets Step to...tif
Kate Dalton removes blinke...tif
Step to the Bar head shot ...tif
4th race trophy presentati...tif
Gigi Lazenby - Dwight Hall...tif