2nd Thompson Memorial Allowance Hurdle - Curve of Stones (51 images)
Curve of Stones - Barry Fo...tif
Curve of Stones leads Unsi...tif
Curve of Stones tight to w...tif
Barry Foley strides out on...tif
Curve of Stones to wire in...tif
Curve of Stones wins 2nd ...tif
Curve of Stones wins 2nd 2.tif
Curve of Stones defeats Un...tif
2nd race winners circle 5 ...tif
2nd race winners circle 5 ...tif
2nd race winners circle 2 ...tif
2nd race winners circle 3 ...tif
Curve of Stones - Barry Fo...tif
Curve of Stones - David Bo...tif
Barry Foley (Curve of Ston...tif
Barry Foley 2 (Curce of St...tif
2nd race trophy presentati...tif
2nd race trophy presentati...tif
Rebecca Shepherd kisses Ba...tif
Curve of Stones before 2nd.tif
Buckrail - Gus Dahl before...tif
Candy Man Can - Ross Gerag...tif
Sal The Barber - Gerard Ga...tif
Sal The Barber - Gerard Ga...tif
Mizyen - Paddy Young befor...tif
Unsinkable - Jack Doyle be...tif
Causeworthy - Sean McDermo...tif
Curve of Stones - David Bo...tif
Curve of Stones - David Bo...tif
Curve of Stones - Davide B...tif
Buckrail before 2nd.tif
Unsinkable (gray) shows th...tif
Unsinkable leads early in ...tif
Unsinkable sets pace early...tif
Unsinkable takes jump earl...tif
Buckrail - Candy Man Can -...tif
Sal The Barber (3) Second ...tif
Curve of Stones (right) le...tif
Unsinkable leads over last...tif
Unsinkable leads over last...tif
Unsinkable leads over last...tif
Unsinkable leads over last...tif
Unsinkable leads over last...tif
Unsinkable leads over last...tif
Unsinkable leads over last...tif
Unsinkable leads over last...tif
Buckrail after 2nd.tif
Curve of Stones returns 1.tif
Curve of Stones returns 2.tif
Curve of Stones returns 5.tif
Curve of Stones - David Bo...tif