2nd Maiden Hurdle - Drewscourt (59 images)
Drewscourt 2nd race paddoc...tif
Connagh's Quay - Laird Geo...tif
Elusive Soul 2nd race padd...tif
Westerland 2nd race paddoc...tif
Westerland 2nd race paddoc...tif
Undercover Rowdy 2nd race ...tif
Drewscourt 2nd race paddoc...tif
Elusive Soul - Eddie Keati...tif
Elusive Soul takes jump in...tif
Drewscourt - Tom Garner ta...tif
Drewscourt - Tom Garner ta...tif
Westerland takes jump in 2...tif
Undercover Rowdy - Richie ...tif
Westerland - Gerard Gallig...tif
Undercover Rowdy - Richie ...tif
Connagh's Quay - Barry Fol...tif
Connagh's Quay takes jump ...tif
Glenwood Park cloudy panor...tif
Drewscourt (left) duels El...tif
Drewscourt (left) Elusive ...tif
Undercover Rowdy - Richie ...tif
2nd race winners circle 2 ...tif
2nd race winners circle - ...tif
Drewscourt - Eliza Edwards...tif
Drewscourt - Eliza Edwards...tif
Drewscourt head shot 3.tif
Leslie Young with 2nd race...tif
Uncover Rowdy 2nd race pad...tif
Elusive Soul leads field f...tif
Elusive Soul to paddock fo...tif
Westerland to paddock for ...tif
Connagh's Quay - Laird Geo...tif
Drewscourt 2nd race paddoc...tif
Lap of the Gods - Tina Hof...tif
Westerland - Gerard Gallig...tif
Undercover Rowdy - Richie ...tif
Drewscourt to post in 2nd.tif
Lap of the Gods - Parker H...tif
Connagh's Quay - Barry Fol...tif
Elusive Soul to post in 2n...tif
Elusive Soul leads early i...tif
Elusive Soul leads early i...tif
Elusive Soul leads early i...tif
Drewscourt takes jump in 2...tif
Drewscourt takes jump in 2...tif
Drewscourt takes jump in 2...tif
Drewscourt takes jump in 2...tif
Westerland takes jump in 2...tif
Lap of the Gods takes jump...tif
Elusive Soul leads Drewsco...tif
Drewscourt (blue) leads El...tif
Drewscourt (left) leads El...tif
Drewscourt (left) leads El...tif
Drewscourt (left) leads El...tif
Drewscourt (left) leads El...tif
Drewscourt (left) leads El...tif
Drewscourt (blue) outfinis...tif
Drewscourt - Tom Garner re...tif
Drewscourt - Tom Garner re...tif