1st 2YO - Kevin's Folly (38 images)
Kevin's Folly wins 1st - R...tif
Woodline finishes third in...tif
Woodline finishes 3rd in 1...tif
Jurkovec 1st race paddock ...tif
HP Moon 1st race paddock 1.tif
Moving Pictures 1st race p...tif
Tom Amoss 1.tif
Tom Amoss 2.tif
Kevin's Folly 1st race pad...tif
Master Game 1st race paddo...tif
Tom Amoss saddles Kevin's ...tif
Tom Amoss saddles Kevin's ...tif
Tom Amoss saddles Kevin's ...tif
Tom Amoss saddles Kevin's ...tif
Todd Pletcher watches Mast...tif
Master Game 1st race paddo...tif
Todd Pletcher.tif
Kevin's Folly paddock 4.tif
Master Game to post in 1st.tif
Kevin's Folly to post in 1...tif
Hoist the Gold 1st race pa...tif
Woodline 1st race paddock.tif
Woodline to post in 1st 2.tif
Steve Asmussen - Todd Plet...tif
Steve Asmussen - Todd Plet...tif
Steve Asmussen 4.tif
Steve Asmussen 3.tif
Master Game warms up for 1...tif
Hoist the Gold warms up fo...tif
Fans watch 1st.tif
Kevin's Folly draws off in...tif
Kevi's Folly wins 1st VERT...tif
Kevin's Folly wis 1st 5.tif
Kevin's Folly wins 1st 2.tif
Kevin's Folly wins 1st 6.tif
Kevin's Folly wins 1st 8.tif
Kevin's Folly - Tyler Gaff...tif
Kevin's Folly returns afte...tif