09/01/2021 - Allowance Hurdle - Booby Trap (67 images)
Fightinirishtabit 1st race...tif
West Newton 1st race paddo...tif
Booby Trap (center yellow ...tif
Chetzeron leads early in f...tif
Booby Trap (2) Wightman (5...tif
Booby Trap (2 center) take...tif
Booby Trap takes jump 2nd ...tif
Booby Trap (2) takes jump ...tif
Perfect Tapatino (4) Booby...tif
Chetzeron leads 2nd pass 1...tif
Fightinirishtabit - Ross G...tif
Fightingirishtabit takes j...tif
Glencorrib Sky - Skylar Mc...tif
1st race winners circle - ...tif
1st race winners circle 2 ...tif
To Garner kisses Booby Tra...tif
Leslie Young pats Booby Tr...tif
Leslie Young pats Booby Tr...tif
1st race winners circle - ...tif
Chetzeron saddled for 1st.tif
Perfect Tapatino 1st race ...tif
Booby Trap 1st race paddoc...tif
Wightan 1st race paddock.tif
Prayer Hope 1st race paddo...tif
West Newton 1st race paddo...tif
Fightinirishtabit 1st race...tif
Fightinirishtabit 1st race...tif
Fightinirishtabit 1st race...tif
West Newton paddock 1st ra...tif
Paddy Young - Gerard Galli...tif
Richie Condon gets leg up ...tif
Gerard Galligan gets leg u...tif
Booby Trap - Gerard Gallig...tif
Perfect Tapatino to post i...tif
Glencorrib Sky - Skylar Mc...tif
Glencorrib Sky - Skylar Mc...tif
Prayer Hope - Graham Watte...tif
West Newton - Parker Hendr...tif
Fightinirishtabit - Ross G...tif
Fightinirishtabit - Ross G...tif
Fightinirishtabit - Ross G...tif
West Newton warms up for 1...tif
Perfect Tapatino warms up ...tif
Gelncorrib Sky - Skylar Mc...tif
Prayer Hope warms up for 1...tif
Fightinirishtabit warms up...tif
est Newton - Perfect Tapat...tif
West Newton - Perfect Tapa...tif
Chetzeron leads Perfect Ta...tif
Fightinirishtabit takes ju...tif
Chetzeron leads 2nd pass 1...tif
Chetzeron leads 2nd pass 1...tif
Perfect Tapatino - Booby T...tif
Booby Trap - Gerard Gallig...tif
Booby Trap - Gerard Gallig...tif
Booby Trap - Gerard Gallig...tif
Booby Trap - Gerard Gallig...tif
Booby Trap - Gerard Gallig...tif
Booby Trap - Gerard Gallig...tif
Booby Trap - Gerard Gallig...tif
Paddy - Leslie Young - Tom...tif
Leslie Young and team cele...tif
Van Cushny.tif
Stablemates Perfect Tapati...tif
Stablemates Perfect Tapati...tif
Booby Trap - Gerard Gallig...tif
Tom Rice - Paddy Young.tif