07/30/2018 - AP Smithwick Stakes - Show Court (101 images)
Personal Start takes jump ...tif
Iranistan (1) Oskar Denari...tif
Iranistan - Oskar Denarius...tif
Show Court (7) All the Way...tif
Show Court (left) All the ...tif
Personal Starts lead 2nd p...tif
Iranistan (1) Show Court 2...tif
Oskar Denarius - Tom Garne...tif
Iranistan (1) Show Court d...tif
All the Way Jose (3) Modem...tif
Smithwick winners circle -...tif
Show Court to paddock for ...tif
Overwhelming - Sandra Webb...tif
Michael Mitchell.tif
Oskar Denarius (left) Iran...tif
Modem (5) Overwhelming (6)...tif
Personal Start leads at to...tif
Oskar Denaius (left) Irani...tif
Oskar Denarius (left) - Ir...tif
Show Court (7) Modem (5) O...tif
Iranistan - Show Court ear...tif
Show Court takes jump 2nd ...tif
Michael Mitchell pats Show...tif
Show Court walks winners c...tif
Show Court - Michael Mitch...tif
Arch Kingsley - Michael Mi...tif
Smithwick trophy presentat...tif
Ed Swyer - Sally Jeffords.tif
Jack Fisher and Sonny Via.tif
Richard Valentine and owne...tif
Ricahrd Valentine and owne...tif
Jack Fisher - Bill Gallo.tif
Martin Chamberlin.tif
Iranistan - Keri Wolfsont ...tif
Iranistan - Keri Wolfsont ...tif
Personal Start - Laird Geo...tif
Personal Start to paddock ...tif
Personal Start to paddock ...tif
All the Way Jose - Carl Co...tif
All the Way Jose - Carl Co...tif
Oskar Denarius to paddock ...tif
Oskar Denarius to paddock ...tif
Modem - Bethany Baumgardne...tif
Overhwhelming to paddock f...tif
Show Court to paddock for ...tif
Show Court to paddock for ...tif
Arch Kingsley - Tom Foley.tif
Robet Bonnie shakes hands ...tif
Robert Bonnie - Maggie Bry...tif
Iranistan - Keri Wolfsont ...tif
Blair Wyatt and family.tif
Patrick Smithwick - Todd W...tif
Jack Fisher saddles Overwh...tif
Oskar Denarius saddled for...tif
Modem - Bethany Baumgarder...tif
Jockey Tom Garner and Oska...tif
Tom Garner 1.tif
Wyatt and Murray families ...tif
Wyatt and Murray families.tif
Barry Foley - Maggie Bryan...tif
Darren Nagle - Ed Swyer.tif
Cynthia Curtis - Barry Fol...tif
Iranistan - Darren Nagle t...tif
Personal Start - Barry Fol...tif
All the Way Jose - Ross Ge...tif
Oskar Denarius - Tom Garne...tif
Modem - Jack Doyle to post...tif
Modem - Jack Doyle to post...tif
Overwhelming - Sean McDerm...tif
Show Court - Michael Mitch...tif
Personal Start leads early...tif
Oskar Denarius (4) Iranist...tif
Show Court takes jump in S...tif
Show Court takes jump[ ear...tif
Oskar Denarius (4) Iranist...tif
Modem early in Smithwick 1.tif
Overwhelming trails early ...tif
Personal Start leads 2nd p...tif
Personal Start leads 2nd p...tif
Oskar Denarius - Tom Garne...tif
Oskar Denarius 2nd pass Sm...tif
Show Court (7) Iranistan 2...tif
Show Court (left) Iranista...tif
Show Court (left) Iranista...tif
Show Court (left) outduels...tif
Show Court (left) outduels...tif
Show Court outduels Iranis...tif
Show Court outduels Iranis...tif
Show Court wins Smithwick ...tif
Show Court - Michael Mitch...tif
Arch Kingsley - Todd Wyatt.tif
Iranistan - Darern Nagle r...tif
All the Way Jose returns a...tif
Show Court - Michael Mitch...tif
Michael Mitchell pats Show...tif
Michael Mitchell pats Show...tif
Patrick Smithwick congratu...tif
Smithwick trophy presentat...tif
Smithwick trophy presentat...tif
Arch Kingsley.tif
Arch Kingsley - Patrick Sm...tif